Welcome to Easybridge!®

You are prepared to –
- Buy more tables!
- Open more games!
- Welcome lots more players!
BUT… for the brave, for the few who dare, c’mon in and learn how to grow more games, bigger games and expand the world of bridge. JOIN US!
What is Easybridge!®?
Well, where to start? Easybridge!® is both a marketing tool and a way to introduce people to DUPLICATE bridge. It taps into a market not usually approached in bridge… people who didn’t know they wanted to learn to play bridge. They are lured in by the promotion of four free lessons and free refreshments. “Hey Carol, look at this. Free classes, free food. We’re not doing anything on Thursday night. Let’s see what it’s all about.“
So they come in droves. The stories we can tell… Once we had to borrow tables and chairs from the restaurant across the street because we ran out. Another presenter rented half a bowling alley and had such an incredible turnout that he had to spread into the empty but DARK half! One club in Florida had such a huge turnout they had to have someone stand in the parking lot with a sign that said “Full! Come back tomorrow at 7 pm.”
Easybridge!® 1 is fifteen weeks long, the first four of which are free. During those initial weeks, you make sure they have a rip-roaring great time, you bond them into a cohesive group, you feed till they burp, and, incidentally, teach them to play duplicate before they ever know what hit them. Week two travelers go with the boards (no scores, just bids and results – 2D bid, 3 made) and you hook them into seeing what the other guys did. In week three, people and boards move and in week four, they play in a sanctioned duplicate game!
Easybridge!® 2 and 3 are 10 weeks each. Having three courses gives you a chance to recharge the game periodically.
A typical Easybridge!® session consists of a brief… no more than 20-minute lesson… and two hours of play.
Here’s what happens:
#1. You go to an accreditation session to learn how to effectively present Easybridge!® We can accredit you by mail/email/phone also, so if there are no accreditations near you, no problem.
#2. With our help, you pick a start date. We then provide you with all the marketing materials you need, print ads, flyers, news releases, postcards, etc.
#3. We also provide you with day-to-day guidance and help. Your presenter’s manual gives everything you need for preparation and presentation and follow-up. In addition, you can reach out to Edward Scanlon the Easybridge!® Customer Service and Program Manager at any time and expect a reply within 24 hours.
Traditional methods of teaching bridge often create people who know the game but don’t play at our clubs. Easybridge!® gets them playing (some 2 and 3 times a week). They are fat, happy and ignorant, and loving duplicate.

So, you’re ready! You are committed to growing games, growing your customer base and growing the world of bridge. Here’s what you do now…
Become accredited. Take our home study course. We will send you materials for you to review, and then take an oral exam over the phone. Then you’re official! The cost is $100.
With our help, plan your marketing campaign. After all, Easybridge!® is a marketing plan, guaranteed to bring in lots of people when you follow directions!! We’ll give you timelines, sample ads, and everything you need for a full-blown success.
Order your books. We offer large discounts to Easybridge!® presenters, so contact us for special prices.
Follow our guidelines in your weekly games for maximum retention. Then, just relax and enjoy the benefits of larger games and more players.
Your only commitment to Easybridge!® is to order your books from us. Otherwise, the only expenses you incur are your marketing expenses. By the way… are you aware of the 50% rebate the ACBL Marketing Department offers? Check it out! It’s amazingly generous!
Want to learn the world’s greatest game the quickest, and best way?
To order single copies, check out our product page for the price, add $8 for s/h. We’ll get your book right out to you.
Want more copies?
Contact us and we’ll help you!
For general inquiries about the Easybridge!® program, accreditations, and presenting, please contact us using this form, or reach out to:
Easybridge!® Customer Service
& Program Manager
717-434-3298, cell